Dive into Common Pool Repair Issues and Solutions

As the temperature rises and the sun starts shining brighter, the allure of a refreshing dip in the pool becomes irresistible. However, nothing puts a damper on your summer fun quite like a pool in need of repair. From leaks to cracks to equipment malfunctions, there are a variety of common pool repair issues that can arise. This article will explore some of these issues and provide solutions to help you keep your pool in top shape all season long.

Identifying Leaks

One of the most common pool repair issues is leaks. If you notice a faster-than-usual drop in your pool water level or wet spots around the pool area, it may indicate a leak. To identify the source of the leak, start by checking for any visible cracks or tears in the pool liner. You can also perform a bucket test by filling a bucket with water and placing it on the steps of your pool. If both the bucket and pool lose water at a similar rate, you likely have a leak in your pool.

Fixing Cracks

Cracks in your pool's surface can be unsightly and lead to further damage if not addressed promptly. Depending on the size and location of the crack, there are different repair options available. For small hairline cracks, you can use underwater epoxy putty or sealant to patch up the damage. Larger cracks may require professional assistance to properly repair and prevent future problems.

Addressing Equipment Malfunctions

Another common issue with pools is equipment malfunctions, such as pump or filter problems. If you notice that your water is cloudy or dirty despite regular maintenance, it may be time to check your equipment. Make sure that all valves are open and functioning correctly, clean out any debris from filters, and ensure that pumps are running smoothly. Regular maintenance checks can help prevent more severe equipment issues down the line.

Dealing with Algae Growth

Algae growth is another common problem faced by pool owners, especially during hot summer months when sunlight provides optimal conditions for algae to thrive. To prevent algae growth, make sure to maintain proper pH levels in your pool water, regularly shock your pool with chlorine, scrub walls and surfaces to remove algae buildup, and use algaecides as needed.

Seeking Professional Help

While many common pool repair issues can be addressed with DIY solutions, there are times when it's best to seek professional help. Whether it's complex equipment repairs or structural damage that requires expert attention, don't hesitate to contact a professional pool service provider for assistance.


Keeping your pool well-maintained is essential for enjoying a fun and relaxing summer season without worrying about common repair issues popping up unexpectedly. Contact a company like Aquapro Pool & Chemical Service to learn more. 
