3 Types Of Materials For Your Inground Pool

If you want to install an in-ground pool in your yard, you need to carefully consider what type of material you want to use for your pool. The material you choose for the pool will impact both the function and the appearance of your new in-ground pool.   Pool Material Choice #1: Fiberglass  If you want to install a pool that will be easy to take care of, consider installing a fiberglass pool. With a fiberglass pool, you will never have to replace the liner of the pool and you will not have to acid wash the pool like you would with a concrete pool.

4 Maintenance Tips To Prevent Deterioration Of Your New Vinyl Pool Liner

If your pool has a vinyl liner that has been patched and is deteriorating, it is time to have it replaced. When you have a new liner installed, you want to maintain it to prevent damage and wear that reduces its life. The following maintenance tips will help you maintain your new vinyl pool liner after it has been replaced: 1. Keep the Water Balanced and Clean to Prevent Vinyl Deterioration

2 Things To Help You Get Your Pool Opened Early This Year

Swimming season will be here before you know it. How can you beat the summer rush and have your pool ready to go for the first summery day of the season? Here, you'll find a few tips to help you start getting your pool ready before Mother Nature's ready to let you enjoy it. Schedule the Opening Cleaning Don't put off opening your pool because you don't have the time to do it.