Three Key Mistakes To Avoid When Designing A Custom Pool

Designing a custom pool can be fun – and, of course, there's a wonderful reward at the end of it. But it can also be stressful; there are many decisions to be made, and you want to end up with a pool that you can enjoy for decades to come. For that reason, you need to be careful to avoid these pool design mistakes.

Not Considering The Use Of Surrounding Areas

For most people, a pool is just a part of a larger outdoor area. Whether that involves a grassy area for children to play in, a patio, a grill, or even a hot tub, it's crucial to keep these uses in mind when designing the pool. This means that you'll want to sketch out your entire yard and fit your pool into its overall design.

When doing this, what you need to keep in mind is allowing space for all the activities that will go on. Remember that the pool will take up a little more space than just the area filled with water – there will also be the area of tile around it that may become slippery or wet, and there may also be areas of seating or lounge chairs.

Do you want your grill close to the pool so people can eat around it, or would it be better to separate the areas because you're more likely to have large parties and you don't want people's food to be splashed with water? Do you want a separate patio area that can be used in colder weather, or can you combine the pool and patio? Consider these sorts of usage questions when thinking about your pool's size and shape.

Placing A Pool In A Shady Area

Another important concern when placing a pool is whether it will be shady or sunny. Many people like the idea of a "lush" or "natural" pool that is bordered closely by trees and bushes, but this can also cause some serious problems. Debris from trees over a pool will mean that it needs to be cleaned much more often than a non-shaded pool, and the costs can add up. In addition, the water in the pool will be cooler (or, in the case of a heated pool, cost more to heat).

Working Alone

There are two important components to custom pool design: aesthetics and mechanics. Figuring out where you want your pool and what you want it to look like is a lot of fun, but if you're not doing this in conjunction with a pool contractor, you'll end up with a design that doesn't take into account drainage, pump space, and other mechanical considerations. Instead, consider yourself part of a design team with a contractor like Contemporary Pools Inc. so that you can end up with the right pool for your space, budget, and dreams.
